We specialize in finding and sourcing directly from competitive factories, setting usapart from typical dropshipping agencies that primarily work with wholesalers and onlyassist clients in purchasing ready-made products.
Unlike typical dropshipping companies, we prioritize sourcing as our main profit sourceand don't have profit expectations on logistics. Dropshipping is simply a convenientlogistics solution we provide to our clients.
As an experienced sourcing company, we excel in customizing and manufacturing products.We can assist you in product development, packaging customization, and other tasks thatother dropshipping companies may not offer.
Whether your store is set up on platforms like Shopify or you have a self-built system,our dedicated IT team can seamlessly integrate your store with our system and providecomprehensive technical support.
- your inquiry and choose a service plan.
- We follow up on production and collect products to our warehouse.
- We integrate your store with our system and fulfill orders for your end customers
- The system automatically updates logistics tracking and order status.